BIG’s Joint Sales: Helping you Help Your Clients! And You Get Paid!
As a fiduciary, you have a responsibility to put your clients’ interests ahead of your own, and a duty to preserve good faith and trust. Certainly, risk management is a vital component of each client’s financial plan, but do you have the time, expertise, and licensing to fulfill your responsibilities concerning the important solutions below?
- Life insurance, including term and permanent policies
- Life insurance with an LTC or chronic illness rider
- Traditional LTC insurance
- Linked-benefit policies
- LTC annuities
- Short-term care insurance
- Disability insurance
Imagine having a partner in your office who is an expert in these critical planning tools. No longer will you have the nagging feeling that insurance-based solutions are somewhat ignored in your practice. The good news is that, at BIG, we are experts in all of these products so you don’t have to be!
Partnering with You
BIG’s Joint Sales program makes you look like the professional you are! Our expert Marketers will reach out to your prospect to gather information, create meaningful and appropriate solutions, and share them with you and the prospect. When all parties agree with the solution, BIG’s Insurance Advisor will handle everything else! No more searching for applications, pre-qualifying your prospect and comparing carriers – we have you covered!

Generating Revenue, Dotting the I’s and Crossing the T’s
When using BIG’s Joint Sales platform, you are creating a new revenue stream: 50% of the commission is yours! And because you will be offering risk management solutions to your clients, you are performing due diligence which may avoid lawsuits down the road!